On Location2015-11-14T11:02:52+00:00

Review: The Florida Project (2017)

Simply innocent and beautiful. The movie trailer was not that intriguing nor give us much of background information. Without knowing anything beforehand, I watched the movie graciously. The movie was set in Florida's touristy area in summer, most likely around Disneyland. What fascinated me the [...]

Lesson from the pain

Marina Abramović came to our Branding studio today for Debbie Millman's Design Matter podcast show. I had been researching her since I knew she's going to be in the program. It got me dig into some of her famous performances. The feeling she poured into [...]

How I deal with rude feedbacks

I had to deal with some rude clients of mine. It was mentally exhausting to the point I developed a thought of quitting the job. The job I was doing for this client was the least I like to do. Can you imagine having to [...]

How Instagram new features really tells about self-branding

  While browsing through my instagram couple days ago, the interfaces has changed. One new session added is a favorite list, symbolized with a star ☆ on a circle. The still empty page says 'Share With Your Favorites' and a button to another page where [...]

Suddenly famous cake

It's nearly Eid in Indonesia. The great exodus or 'going back home' is coming. One of local souvenir people would bring with them is culinary goods. Each city has their own speciality food. For example Bogor, my hometown, has processed taro product, assorted pickles, and [...]

Necessary to Emotional-related brand

Recently I've been reading text from Brand Bible (edited by Debbie Millman) and came across the chapter of strong brands that now have been the pop culture globally. And yesterday, I was ready an article from Fast Company by Brian Millar about strong brands that are [...]


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